Pity the kids who will never know the joy of a mystery VHS. Unlabelled cassettes you could buy ten for a dollar at a garage sale. If your weed and snacks were stocked up, that was your entire Sunday planned out for you, even -no, especially - if they were just taped re-runs of Wheel Of Fortune. But every now and then you'd strike gold and get something like “Meridian,” with triple-dubbed recordings looped over and over like some kind of basic cable morse code.
"Meridian" is the latest video from Moon, a Halifax band that revels in slashing krautrock's history pages with their own maniacal - and compelling - impulses (check out their excellent self-titled EP on Bandcamp). Also, something weird: there's a lot of flute in this song, and three of the suggested YouTube videos feature flutes. My VHS player didn't recommend movies based on how many times I watched Bram Stoker's Dracula at 4AM. It just played it. That's better, right?
video: Halifax krautrockers Moon debut new video “Meridian” by Jordan Darville | Chart Attack.